Thursday, March 28, 2013
Currently Reading....

Friday, March 22, 2013
Our First Home Study Visit
This morning we had our first home study visit! I wish we has been a little more prepared for some of the questions, but overall it went really well and our social worker is so nice! We will have either one or two more visits to finish up things, and then we'll wait a couple of months for the home study document to be completed. We're wrapping up most of our document chase, so we're starting more of the waiting game... It's no fun - it's a pretty helpless feeling. But I just have to keep reminding myself that we're in no big rush! Everything will happen in God's time!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Her Baby Book
Keeping memories for our little girl is so important to me, just as it is important with our boys! I knew that the traditional baby book wouldn't be appropriate for our third little one, so I was so thrilled to find this baby book for adopted children! It's adorable! There are only a few little things (like the "astrological sign" bit) that I would change, but other than that it's perfect! Just as when I held my boy's baby books in my hands during pregnancy, I can't wait to know what will be filled in on these pages. I can't wait to meet and learn all about her!
I've also started working on the framework of her Lifebook, which is meant to be the story of her life from her perspective - from her birth through her adoption and coming home to join our family.
I've also started working on the framework of her Lifebook, which is meant to be the story of her life from her perspective - from her birth through her adoption and coming home to join our family.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
China's Lost Girls
This past weekend BJ and sat down and watched "China's Lost Girls" from National Geographic. It's somewhat outdated now, as the culture of adoptions in China have changed significantly, but much of the movie still applies. It was so crazy to watch the families as they saw their children for the first time, and know that that will soon be us!
It's available on Netflix if you'd like to check it out!
It's available on Netflix if you'd like to check it out!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Love With Boundaries
Today another precious orphaned child passed away in a China orphanage following complications from heart surgery. I have to admit, now that we are in the process, each time a child's face appears on the Love Without Boundaries blog I wonder about the possibility that maybe that child will become my child. And so, to hear this tragic news completely breaks my heart. Especially thinking of this little one with no mom and dad to hold and comfort him. :(
Friday, March 15, 2013
Bathtime Conversation
Canaan is slowly learning about his sister!
And yes, our bath water is blue! We are all about the bath colors in our house! :)
And yes, our bath water is blue! We are all about the bath colors in our house! :)
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Welcome to the World Palmer!
Two days ago, I was blessed to witness the birth of my nephew Palmer. It was such an amazing experience watching my baby sister become a Mom! And of course the day brought back so many wonderful memories of the days when Canaan and Ezra were born. It also had me thinking a lot about the moment of our little girl's birth. I've prayed so much for her biological family thinking of that moment. I know the bond that occurs at birth and I can't image going through what our daughter's mother will go through (or more likely, has already gone through) in giving her away. Adoption involves so much heartbreak and so much joy all wrapped together.
Monday, March 4, 2013
This weekend my parents came to visit and we were so excited to finally have a chance to tell them in person that we're adopting! I made a little Chinese takeout box and red fortune cookie with a fortune inside that read, "Right now... Somewhere in China... is your 5th grandbaby! (and it's a girl!)"

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