Even with the very small number of people (mostly doctors) who know we are adopting, I have already been asked the question why (also, "Can't you have children 'of your own?'"). Clearly we are able to have biological children and so it leaves some people wondering.
What is boils down to is that EVERY child deserves a loving family (no matter where they are born or into what circumstance), and NO child should have to be raised in an institution.
I'm already a mom, and I know what it's like to intensely love my children. I think of them - my hilarious Canaan and his sweet dance moves - or brave, ticklish, snugly Ezra (and not so rhythmic but equally adorable dance moves) - living in a sterile building alongside row after row of cribs and no Mommy and Daddy to tuck them in, kiss them and cherish them. It breaks my heart. And I know it breaks Gods heart as well. If we are to be His hands and feet here on earth, then it is up to us to do something about it.
But also, along with all my passion for adoption in general, we also know what a tremendous blessing it will be to add another precious child to our family and I can't WAIT for the day we will hold our little girl!
Why China?
In our adoption process, we examined ALL avenues, including domestic adoption through the foster care system, and for us, at this time in our lives, international adoption just fits - and it's the way God is leading us as a family (feel free to ask me more details).
Right now adopting internationally is TOUGH (see this). We found so many other programs that are really unstable and/or could take up to four years. China (within the minor special needs program), unlike so many other programs, is relatively smooth, quick and predictable! And yet, the need there is still SO great. From Love without Boundaries - "Adoption from China has fallen to its lowest point in years. In 2011, the last year official data is available, Americans adopted just 2,587 children…699 boys and 1,888 girls. That number is just 2% of all the children in government institutional care there, and just 0.4% of the total orphaned children in that country. ZERO POINT FOUR PERCENT."
There are millions of orphans in the world. MILLIONS - take a second and let that sink in. While the actual number is unclear (see this regarding orphan statistics) - the reality is that only a small fraction of orphaned children waiting to be adopted find families. And we believe that a child is born in one part of the world doesn't make them any more or less deserving of a family then a child born somewhere else. A child is a child. All children are equally deserving of love and a family, and ALL children equally matter to God.
Right now adopting internationally is TOUGH (see this). We found so many other programs that are really unstable and/or could take up to four years. China (within the minor special needs program), unlike so many other programs, is relatively smooth, quick and predictable! And yet, the need there is still SO great. From Love without Boundaries - "Adoption from China has fallen to its lowest point in years. In 2011, the last year official data is available, Americans adopted just 2,587 children…699 boys and 1,888 girls. That number is just 2% of all the children in government institutional care there, and just 0.4% of the total orphaned children in that country. ZERO POINT FOUR PERCENT."
There are millions of orphans in the world. MILLIONS - take a second and let that sink in. While the actual number is unclear (see this regarding orphan statistics) - the reality is that only a small fraction of orphaned children waiting to be adopted find families. And we believe that a child is born in one part of the world doesn't make them any more or less deserving of a family then a child born somewhere else. A child is a child. All children are equally deserving of love and a family, and ALL children equally matter to God.
Learn more about why international adoption is still vital in China.
Beautifully written!