Monday, April 29, 2013


Last night a few friends and I got to see the documentary film "Stuck" from the Both Ends Burning. I was still holding back tears thinking of it as I drove into work this morning.

Early in our adoption process we considered adopting from Bulgaria (because we believed at the time that China was a closed program to us), but we were very concerned about the long wait for a child with mild/moderate special needs (which is 3-4 years currently). We want to give a child a home that really needs one. But we wondered - if there is such a long wait, is there really even a need for adoptive families there? But the sad truth is, yes - desperately. The waits are long, not because there are more families than children available, but because of a broken system - and the children are suffering because of it.

And this is true unfortunately, not just for Bulgaria, but for a large number of countries. MILLIONS of orphans are left with very little hope for ever being part of a family.

Please consider signing the petition to encourage change for the sake of these forgotten, stuck children.

(For those who watched the movie, here's an update on sweet little Nate.)

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