I am trying to get ready for work this morning, but I can't. I'm so sick and sad thinking of this little girl (please watch the video!) and the MILLIONS like her. Without a family, what will happen to her?
She will be sent out soon, on her own. With nothing and no one.
You can only imagine what might happen next.
Prostitution to survive and drug addiction to cope, are the reality for so many little ones like her. 60% of orphaned girls who age out become prostitutes. And there is no way to track how many are trafficked, though the figures assumed are high (because it is a lucrative illegal business). She would be a perfect target for traffickers because... who will miss her?
And so many don't survive until their 18th birthday. Many will commit suicide. And the average lifespan of a child once they are trafficked is 2-7 years.
A family for this vulnerable girl - who has only a short time before she ages out - would truly mean her life being saved.
Sorry for the heavy post and the title to trick you into reading it. But my heart is heavy with the reality of these children and their desperate need for someone to care.
"Orphans are easier to ignore
before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see
their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold
them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes..."
- David Platt, Radical
Ashamed to say I couldn't even finish this... so heartbreaking.