This past Sunday BJ and I were both online, well after the kids were off to bed, Googling all we could to learn about our baby girl's hometown and orphanage. BJ ran across an organization called
Red Thread Charities. There are four primary orphanages they visit, working to help improve conditions, educate the staff on therapy & medical approaches for the children with special needs, and love on the little ones. They are awesome! We saw that they have a yearly calendar for our child's orphanage (SWI), with photos of the SWI and some of the children there, which is used as a fundraiser for RTC. We were so excited to have a copy, and so I messaged them to see if they might have any left. They did! The very very sweet woman named Jane messaged me back quickly, and just a few days later, she had sent us now just the calendar, but a few other special gifts as well, including a little doll silk dress. Eeek!! So sweet!
And not only that! Jane emailed me the day after we first contacted her - she had found photos of our baby girl from when their team had been there this past fall (when our baby girl was 9 months old)! Again, EEEEK!!! She sent a bunch of photos - 15!! I could hardly believe it! I am just so thankful for this awesome group. Not only did they take and save these photos, but they also held her and loved on her when I couldn't. And they have given me so much peace of mind about our little one. She is being so well cared for while she waits.
AND... Jane put me in touch with the president of Red Thread Charities, who will be back at our daughter's SWI in early May. She offered to look in again on our little girl and take MORE pictures of her for us! There's also another woman, a fellow adoptive momma, who will be in our province in just a week and a half, who has also offered to visit our girl and take photos for us!
THEN... (seriously this has been an awesome week) just one day later we got an update from our agency with a new, very recent photo of our baby girl and a VIDEO of her! She's starting to walk!! We had heard this news in the update, but seeing her walking - oh my goodness - I'm just SO proud of her and so in love. It's truly amazing that she is on target developmentally, considering all she's been through. I'm pretty sure she's the cutest little genius baby girl on the planet. :)
ALSO... We also received two unexpected gifts in the mail - a children's book on adoption, and an adorable little dress for our little girl from my two sweet friends Jessica and Chrissy!
This week could only get better if I were holding my sweet girl. I'm smiling a lot. :)
Soooo exciting!