There are two little things I want to write down so I don't forget, thought they are random in this blog post.
First, whenever we feed her the glorious Cheerios (that make everything all better), she opens her little mouth a teeny tiny bit and waits for us to feed her. She feels in those moments like a little baby bird to us. She's so sweet. :)
Also yesterday, as we were waiting our turn to finalize our adoption, our guide Cathy (who is Chinese), said that the date, 5/20, in Chinese is like the words Woe Eye Nee (that's my phonetic spelling), or "I love you". She said that for that reason, 5/20 is a popular date in China to get married. I just thought that was so cool. What a special date to make it official that she's ours. :)

Perfect timing AGAIN! I just can't get over how perfect she is!