Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ten Things About You - 17 Months

  1. When you want something, you point at it and shake your head 'yes'
  2. You can blow your nose
  3. You can hold a crayon or pencil with a perfect grip in both your right and left hand! We are guessing you were taught this (perhaps in preparation for using chop sticks?), because you are very thoughtful and intentional about it!
  4. You usually wake up smiling
  5. You are all about slapstick comedy! Nothing gets you giggling quicker than someone getting hit in the head or your brother falling down!
  6. You know three signs ('more', 'please', and 'all done')
  7. You have six spoken words, all of which are new words for you since we met you 1 month ago... In this order your first words were... 'xie xie' (thank you), 'shoes', 'please', 'baby', and 'bye bye', and 'guh guh' (brother). She's adding about 1 new word per week. For this Momma of two slow-to-talk boys, this is pretty amazing!
  8. You hate having your clothes changed... but love being dressed and accessorized!
  9. You have two Mongolian spots (a common Asian birthmark) on your little body
  10. You love pretending to eat and drink, and can pretend to pour pretend tea pretty well for a baby who is not yet 18 months old! I see lots of tea parties in our future!

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