Thursday, June 19, 2014

The One About Sleep

Since Lainey's been home, we've been AMAZED at how awesome she's doing. Even after a short time home, she feels almost like any other child - laughing, being silly, learning, being adventurous... There are certain 'orphanage behaviors' we learned about when preparing for Lainey - thing like hoarding food (the effect of a child who was either frequently deprived of food, or had no control over the amount or frequency of meals), attachment struggles, etc. Because Lainey came from a better orphanage, we haven't seen many of the typical things we were expecting to work through.

But, we have struggled with sleep. I've written about our sleep struggles a lot actually... usually after a good night where I think we've finally got it all figured out. But then as I'm about to post in victory... we have another long night.  We're hoping some of this might just still be jet lag, but we know the environment with us is just SO different from what she's used to she is going to need time to adjust.

We know now not to even try naptime. Lainey wants to nap on her own terms, and so we let her put herself to sleep (and she does... thumb in her mouth and curled up on a floor pillow usually). The social worker agreed that this is probably the best way to go about it, so she can feel in control a bit.

We've also figured out that getting her to bed at a normal bedtime (8pm) is just not going to happen right now. It's a LONG (1+ hour) tough battle to get her to sleep that early, and when she finally does fall asleep, it doesn't seem to last long. So, she's been up for a few nights now until after 10pm.

Even though Lainey is 17 months old now, we are still working to solidify our bond with her and reinforce that she can trust us. Part of this is not letting her cry it out alone in her room. She also JUST wants Momma at night, and so I'm spending a lot of time with her in her crib or on the floor of her room. She alternates in those two spots... she's either in her crib or with me on the floor. There are times when she's sleeping so well in her crib (usually that first stretch) that I can sleep a bit back in BJ and I's room (which my back very much appreciates). Then sometime during the night she wakes up crying, and so I head back and usually sleep on the floor with her from that point on.

(Last night... after a good 4 hour stretch, she woke up screaming. I opened her door... and realized why. Somehow the DOG (that she's still scared of a lot of the time) ended up SHUT in her room with her. Eeek!)

Every few nights something magical happens and she sleeps straight through! We know soon enough that should be happening more and more. Until then, we're living a bit like we have a newborn in the house! :)

And sometimes... a very overtired little girl!

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