Saturday, May 24, 2014

First Bath

So far, we've been very very gradual with Lainey with regards to her clothes, because it's been (as expected) a sensitive issue for her as she grows to trust us. When we first got her, she was wearing socks, tights, a skirt, a corduroy dress, a shirt, and a coat. This is pretty typical for babies to be very bundled up here, even when it's warm out, like it is now. The clothes she was wearing on that day, were for the last tie of familiarity. So when it was time (after the first day was done and it was time for jammies), we started with one sock off. She cried. Then later, another sock. She cried. And so like that, very very slowly we worked on undressing her from all of the layers.

She has gotten pretty much over all that now that we've had her for 5 days - she sometimes protests, but in general will now let us change her clothes. But until last night, bathtime was also a struggle. So far we have just sponge bathed her very fast (under a minute) because she would cry the whole time.

Last night, we undressed her and she was still happy, so we filled the sink and BJ put some toys in it. We let her sit with her feet in the warm water, and soon she was itching to get all of the way in.

She loved it! Every little breakthrough is so awesome! It's so amazing to see how quickly she's adjusting to us and all of the major changes in her life.

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