Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hangzhou Airport & Medicals

Yesterday afternoon, we headed out to the airport to leave Lainey's birth city (very bittersweet), and catch our 4pm flight to Guangzhou, where the American consulate is. In Hangzhou, we finalized our adoption, and in Guangzhou we will process the necessary paperwork for her to come to the United States with us and land in Chicago as a U.S. citizen.

Our 4pm flight, we found out when we arrived, was delayed due to bad weather, with no set time on when it might be rescheduled. So we settled in with our new friends, the McDonalds (who adopted an adorable little boy from our same province), and we waited. And waited. And waited. After 8 hours in the airport, things were getting pretty heated at our gate, as other flights to Guangzhou were leaving but ours was not. In total, we waited 9 hours in the Hangzhou airport before we were able to leave. We arrived in Guangzhou around 4am, made it to our hotel around 4:45am, and were in bed around 5am. We had a quick sleep (thankfully Lainey had slept a good while in the airport, but not at all on the flight, so our poor girl has been through a lot in the last 24 hours) of 2 1/2 hours before we had to get up and head out for our medical appointment.

The medical appointment is a requirement for all children adopted into the United States to be sure they do not have any infectious diseases. We have 18 in our adoption travel group (amazing!!), and while the wait was a long one to be seen at the three medical stations, we were happy to meet everyone and their new children. There are so many amazing people here with hearts for children and adoption. After a couple of hours, we were all done, and able to leave for the hotel and take a rest. It's been a LONG 24 hours!

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